Make a DIY crane and learn fun physics concepts power, energy and efficiency
Make a toy crane that is powerful enough to lift a full drinks can by reusing parts from a Smartibot kit. Measure the voltage and...
Make a toy crane that is powerful enough to lift a full drinks can by reusing parts from a Smartibot kit. Measure the voltage and...
Drive a little robot around an actual cardboard Wolfenstein labyrinth and punch cardboard Nazis. You can play Smartistein3D during the hours listed below, in your...
Turning kids ideas into reality: Like many people I’m trying to keep a child stimulated and entertained when we can’t really go out at the...
Get creative with technology and up-cycle Use the contents of your recycling bin and the parts from a Smartibot kit and create your own Rubbish...
Making electric cars, electric wheelchairs and other vehicles with kids and their parents We ran a series of design and making workshops with kids and their...